I suppose that's what a blog really is - someone thinking "inloud".
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Golf is the hardest game to master.....mainly because you never do. However, today I made 6 birdies.......and for the last two hours of today, I am still convincing myself that I have it mastered, until I play again and realize that I do not.
Here are some words to describe me: husband, father, Jesus follower, business owner, athlete(sort of), avid reader, writer, movie watcher, mountain dew addict, wedding singer, taco bell contributer, converse wearer, late nighter, conversationalist, media enthusiast, teacher, bed wetter(until 12), latte maker and drinker, wireless hound, sinner, comedian(at times), counselor, weight lifter(sometimes), vegetable eater, ice cream lover, lounger, crack dealer(not really), martha stewart wanna be, giant go-tee model, fisherman(whatever), phone caller, bystander every now and then, concert promoter, friendship builder, home owner, skateboarder, spontaneous slacktivist, that's all for now.
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