Sunday, April 10, 2005


It has been about a month since my last blog. I have been blog free for 30 days now and am experiencing some blog withdraw. The symtoms include bottled emotions, silent frustration, internal rejoicing, and uninfluenced lives.

Several people have said (well at least 3) "you haven't blogged in awhile, why not?" Quite frankly I haven't made the time. I say the "made" the time because the excuse of not "having" time is only a lie we tell ourselves to make excuses to others as to why we haven't done something. The reality is that we all make time to do the things that we want to do and somehow ignore the things that we know we need to do. I am not sure if I need to blog, but it apparently has been something that I have not wanted to do lately. So.......

This reality has caused me to evaluate my life in terms of wanting and needing. I would say that lately my life has been consumed by my wants and not necessary my needs. I suppose the goal is to make my wants my needs and my needs my wants so there is a consistency to my beliefs and behaviors. For instance, do I need to spend time in prayer. Yes, do I want to spend time in prayer? Do I need to spend more time with my family? Yes, do I want to spend more time with my family? Do I need to share Jesus with people? Yes, do I want to share Jesus with people? Do I need to love my neighbors? Yes, do I want to love my neighbors? The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on.

Time is a precious gift from God and every person is the universe is given the same amount of it. What is the difference between people who use their time vs. people who allow time to use them. It is time to take control of my time so I am more effective in my personal life and my public life. To that end, is blogging worth my time? I suppose you can answer that question for me by commenting on this blog. Of course, you will have to answer whether it is worth your time.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Ken McCord said...

You need a day off to contemplate ;-) ha! I would say I am kidding but I think that by taking time to evaluate allows us to reconsider the use of our time...

Often I want to do something but find that there is no time because I am doing much of what I need to there seems to be times where two needs collide and the choice becomes a matter of season...

Great entry! Good thought! These are some behavioral inputs to your questions, but like you I continue to wrestle...please receive them as a fellow on the journey...

Love ya man! Really excited about all the stuff that has captured your attention over the past 30 days...

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Ken McCord said...

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