Monday, April 05, 2010


So I was in Russia walking around an open-air market when I felt this presence behind me. He was walking all hunch backed with a pad of paper and piece of chalk right up next to me and saying “draw. draw. draw.” in a Russian accent. Apparently, he wanted to draw a picture of me and he wanted me to pay him for his efforts. I politely said that I was not interested and he left me alone………….for about 10 minutes. I then felt his presence behind me again saying “draw. beard. draw”. I politely said no again and he left me alone……………for about 10 minutes. Again I felt his presence behind me and he was still saying “draw. beard. draw. free. I need to draw.”

This guy was persistent and obviously had a deep desire to draw my face and/or beard and at this point he was willing to do it for free. I knew better about the whole free idea, but I finally caved into his demands and asked him how long it would take. He said three to five minutes so I agreed and stood there while he went to work on my chalky portrait. He then finished in the agreed time and I couldn’t resist the need to ask him how much. He informed me it would be 1000 rubles which is $40.00 in American money. I said I was not going to pay him that much and told him I would pay him $20.00. He said $30.00. I said I did not want it for that, but he was more than welcome to keep it for his personal collection. He finally said, “for you…500 rubles.” I paid him the $20.00 and he rolled up my picture and handed it to me.

He was satisfied with his artwork. I was happy to help a self-employed artist and I was also rather impressed with his persistent salesmanship.

Here is the point of the story. Don’t take no for an answer because you may just get your wish of sketching an American with a giant beard. I will be having an auction of this portrait sometime in November so please save your money so I can at least get my money back!


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