Monday, April 12, 2010


So anyway, JC went to a baseball game right after school and of course, brought his backpack. While he was there, he asked a friend's mom to watch his backpack so he could run around and hang with his friends. No big deal right? Well, he got home that night and was sitting in the chair around 8:30 and it just hit him that he forgot his backpack. So we hopped in the car to go find it. On the way there, I asked him if he was praying and he said, "yeah, how did you know." I said, "because if I were you, I would be praying". I then asked him how much it was going to cost him to replace his books and he said $60.00. For a 13-year old that is a ton of money and I felt bad that if we couldn't find his bag that he would have to pay to replace his books. Well, we finally got there only to discover that it was not where he left it and it was not in the lost and found. The conversation then turned to thoughts like, "what are you going to learn through this." Of course, he learned to be more responsible with his stuff and he didn't want to pay.

JC then said that he was going to keep praying and I said, "I will pray with you, but I really don't have that much faith that we are going to find it." I know, I know, it wasn't the best example, but I was focussed on the "reality" of the situation. JC, however was focussed on the "possibility" of the situation. Isn't that the difference maker in prayer.....those that focus on the reality and those that focus on the possibility. I suppose that is what faith really is....

A week went by and JC called me on the phone and said, "Dad, that prayer thing really works, I found my bag." It turns out the lady that he asked to watch it took it home and didn't know how to get in touch with him. However, his friend that he went to the game with called the lady and she said that she had it. I told JC that he had more faith than me in this situation and I am glad that he was faithful in prayer. Who knew that I would go back-to-school in the area of prayer as my failing grade was popping out of the top of the backpack that I failed to pray about. Hmmmm.....reality and possibilities. Jesus, increase my faith.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Golf is the hardest game to master.....mainly because you never do. However, today I made 6 birdies.......and for the last two hours of today, I am still convincing myself that I have it mastered, until I play again and realize that I do not.

Monday, April 05, 2010


So I was in Russia walking around an open-air market when I felt this presence behind me. He was walking all hunch backed with a pad of paper and piece of chalk right up next to me and saying “draw. draw. draw.” in a Russian accent. Apparently, he wanted to draw a picture of me and he wanted me to pay him for his efforts. I politely said that I was not interested and he left me alone………….for about 10 minutes. I then felt his presence behind me again saying “draw. beard. draw”. I politely said no again and he left me alone……………for about 10 minutes. Again I felt his presence behind me and he was still saying “draw. beard. draw. free. I need to draw.”

This guy was persistent and obviously had a deep desire to draw my face and/or beard and at this point he was willing to do it for free. I knew better about the whole free idea, but I finally caved into his demands and asked him how long it would take. He said three to five minutes so I agreed and stood there while he went to work on my chalky portrait. He then finished in the agreed time and I couldn’t resist the need to ask him how much. He informed me it would be 1000 rubles which is $40.00 in American money. I said I was not going to pay him that much and told him I would pay him $20.00. He said $30.00. I said I did not want it for that, but he was more than welcome to keep it for his personal collection. He finally said, “for you…500 rubles.” I paid him the $20.00 and he rolled up my picture and handed it to me.

He was satisfied with his artwork. I was happy to help a self-employed artist and I was also rather impressed with his persistent salesmanship.

Here is the point of the story. Don’t take no for an answer because you may just get your wish of sketching an American with a giant beard. I will be having an auction of this portrait sometime in November so please save your money so I can at least get my money back!


So anyway........ I always like to start my stories with "so anyway" because it effortlessly connects the past, present and future. As with most stories, there is always a past, present and future. PAST Every since Julie and I have been married I have called her Lola as a simple endearing name. I am not sure why I chose Lola other than that I think it is so random and sweet. For those of you who know the song "Lola", I did not see Julie as a transsexual prostitute. In case you didn't know, there is a song called Lola about a transsexual prostitute. I am fairly sure I have offended some of you just by putting those two words together and others are mad that I ruined the song for you because you had no idea and still others knew nothing about the song and I am sorry to have introduced you to the reality of popular music from the 70’s. To all of you I say, relax, it is what it is and has nothing to do with us. I am also sorry for the extremely long run-sentence two sentences ago. Back to the simple endearing name.......I always called Julie Lola when I was trying to be cute, well as cute as someone can be with a giant wig on his chin. I made a reference one day about possibly naming our baby girl Lola. Julie was not for the idea at first. A few months later, we went to a birthday party for Ashly Allen where we met a couple that just named their baby Lola. I don’t remember their names, but I do remember Lola. Imagine that. I then started the whole "it is not fair that they get to name their baby Lola and you won't even consider it" routine. I would not leave Julie alone about it until she at least considered it as a way to connect my two little princesses. That night, we arrived at home after the party and Julie said, "OK, here is the deal, if you put your hand on my stomach and say the name Lola and she moves, I will consider it." So, I put my hand on Julie's stomach and leaned in real close and said, “Lola”. We were not expecting anything since I hadn’t felt her move yet. Needless to say, it was the first time I felt her move. We both looked at each other like God himself had given us a sign much like the angel with Mary and Joseph only we were together when we got the message. I couldn't stop laughing and Julie knew she could potentially be naming this baby Lola. As all good signs from God, this one needed to be tested so Julie said, "OK, you need to do it again." At this point, I was so confident God had spoken through the movements of young babes, I said "Absolutely not, you said one time." Actually, I put my hand on her stomach, leaned in real close and said, “Lola”. I know God is hilarious because she moved again. I quickly said, “Hey Julie, how about if I put your hand on my stomach and you say six pack.” Hey, it might have been worth a try! At that moment, I tried to convince Julie that it should be the name. She stuck to her original statement (I was going to say stuck to her guns, but it sounded stupid) and said she would consider it. We talked to the boys and they really liked the name and then one day we all just sorta started calling her Lola. PRESENT We are now in the hospital with Lola. She finally decided to eat and open up her little eyes. I am writing stories. Julie is rearranging furniture in the room and bundling Lola. (not at the same time of course) The boys are with MeMaw and PaPaw at the mall who spent 12 hours getting here yesterday. Papa and Iowa visited last night and are working today, but my mom(Iowa - that is another name story for later) stopped by earlier to check in. Kristi, Julie’s sister, drove in last night to surprise Julie. Flowers arrived from our church and Julie's brother and sister-in-law. Kathy stopped by and said hello. We have been reading a bunch of comments on facebook, answering emails, text messages and phone calls. Thank you all for your humor, love, sincerity, attention to detail and friendship. Life is surreal right now and I like it that way. Sometimes it is good not believe what is actually happening….. FUTURE Only God knows…..


It has been five years since my last blog......

No really, I stopped blogging because I thought I was going to use my facebook account and just post notes, but that didn't work that well. Mainly, because I didn't feel like writing anything. I did write two notes on facebook that I will eventually copy and paste to my blog. Anyway, why did I start up my blog again. Well, a friend of mine started blogging for the first time and I decided to resurrect my blogging account. After a few times of trying to get it reinstated, I am officially back to the blogging world.

I suppose only time will tell how much I decide to blog this time. Since I am writing for a living now, it is either going to inspire me to write more or I may decide that I have written enough.

What is the moral of the story? I don't really know, but I guess that is the beauty of blogging.